I Bought a Ghost Town

traveling nurse
This sounds to me like something a couple of travel nurses would do as a lark between assignments. It’s the raw sense of adventure that is so inspirational about traveling nurses and Mr. Brent Underwood and his ghost town.
When I think of Cerro Gordo more than 100 years ago it was a booming town of dreams, hard work and danger. I don’t imagine many of the residents spent much time thinking about the future of the town or even that the silver might play out and the town be abandoned. It makes me wonder how history will look back upon these past few years. What will history see — the pandemic, controversy, tragic loss, exceptional changes to daily life and inflation? This is a monumental time in my life personally. We’ve homeschooled our kiddos, moved to a remote work environment and life looks like it isn’t returning to normal anytime soon.
For our family and business, we are focusing on the present – since the past is gone and the future isn’t guaranteed to any of us. We are more patient, loving and kind. We look for opportunities to be fit while having fun. We are grateful to God for our lives, family, and blessings. We live in an amazing community, Grapevine, Texas. To hear some old timers around here talk about it our town has gone through a great transformation to hang on to our legacy and heritage and not become paved over or another ghost town. 
We wish Mr. Underwood, and his band of volunteers the best and look forward to making the journey for a visit. Maybe we’ll swing by the hospital in Bishop, CA just up the road that we staff. It is a beautiful benefit of being a traveling nurse – you can live and work next to a ghost town, on the beach or in a big city. You pick the geography and season and let your support team take care of the rest.
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