Epilepsy Awareness Month

More people live with Epilepsy than Autism Spectrum Disorders, Parkinson’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis and Cerebral Palsy — combined!

Yes, we were surprised to learn that too, but when you consider that 1 in 26 people will experience epilepsy during their lifetime it really is more surprising at the lack of awareness that exists around epilepsy — particularly how dangerous and catastrophic it can be for infants and children.

November is Epilepsy Awareness Month and at EXCEL our W.E. C.A.R.E. commitment extends beyond our staffing practices. It extends to bringing attention to challenges our clinicians face daily in their place of care delivery, highlighting public interest healthcare issues, and sharing information about organizations doing their level best to take on these very big issues — organizations like Mickie’s Miracles (MickiesMiracles.org), a non profit advocating for for families fighting pediatric epilepsy to get to Level IV Epilepsy Centers for urgent diagnosis and treatment.

If there’s a public healthcare issue or organization you’d like us to highlight as we work towards increasing awareness within our community, please let us know by responding to this email or calling us at (phone number).

We extended a thank you for all you do to help patients throughout the country the support they deserve!

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